Hypnosis has proven to be a highly effective therapeutic process, allowing the patient to work on themselves and their essence, perceiving all experiences as a factor of learning rather than suffering.
Through hypnotherapy, it is possible to reprogram the mind for a new organic condition, after the reevaluation of traumas, fears, and insecurities, directing the body towards sexual activity and pleasure.
The end of a relationship is something complex and impactful. You go through a period of sadness and pain, identified as a grieving process, which goes far beyond emotional pain. Changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, shortness of breath, chest pain are some normal reactions.
However, when this state of sadness persists over time and leads to profound depressive states, it becomes necessary to seek help.
As individual beings, sexuality is an area of great importance in human development, constructed throughout life based on the experiences we have with others and with our own bodies.
Factors such as anxiety, insecurity, stress, and internal conflicts can interfere with one’s sexual life and may lead to sexual dysfunctions, which in turn worsen feelings of suffering, pain, and a sense of failure.
Clinical Hypnosis
Transpersonal Hypnosis
Regression Hypnosis
Cognitive-Behavioral Hypnosis
Children and Adolescents Hypnosis
Conditioning Hypnosis
Couples therapy
All couples go through difficult moments. It’s important to make time for affection, intimacy, and sexuality. It’s necessary to accept differences, value each individual’s uniqueness, manage conflicts, and respect and be respected.
When does it make sense to seek couples therapy? When the desire to continue the relationship is the most important element for both partners.
The method we apply using hypnosis focuses on improving communication between both partners. It involves adjusting and evaluating expectations regarding various issues to help find the best solutions for both.
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I managed to overcome the challenges of my divorce